LCF Training Academy
We are proud providers of certified training for different areas within the construction industry. All delivered to you by our training and development manager with over 30 years manufacture experience.
What we offer
Operators Training
Anyone who uses' plant and equipment and want to know the correct operation of the machine, how to effectively use the machine, HAVS what they are and how to calculate how long to use them. Technical specs for machines what machine for what job, Looking at foundations, compaction, Hawk spec.
Hire Desk Training
This course is aimed at hire companies who use our kit in the rental market, People who are looking to gain more information with regards to our product range and what the correct product is for the job. Technically specs with regards to what the most effective machine is to advise to your customer for rental.
Workshop Service Training
These courses' are aimed at engineers looking for workshop training on products. Specialist courses on engines, such as Hatz, Honda, Kohler, Yanmar, and also all our Light equipment products.
Apprenticeship Training
On most common products we can tailor the need of the apprentice depending on what machines they work with. Ie Rammers, pokers, breakers, Rollers, excavators, and much more.
Level 1 - In electric/ hybrid vehicle awareness
Half day course:
- the types of electric/hybrid vehicles available
- hazards associated with motor vehicle high energy electrical system
- working safely around electric/ hybrid vehicles including charging
Who is the course for?
This course is suitable for anyone who might, in their day-to-day work, come into regular contact with electric/ hybrid vehicles. As employers, you have a responsibility for anyone handling electricity as part of their job role.
Level 2 - In electric/ hybrid vehicle routine maintenance activity
Full day course:
- electric/hybrid vehicle system components and operation •hazards surrounding electric/hybrid vehicles
- how to reduce the risks to yourself and others when working on electric/ hybrid vehicles
- safely preparing the vehicle when carrying routine maintenance (NOT high voltage components or systems)
Who is the course for?
This course is suitable for anyone who might, in their day to day work, come into regular contact with Electric/ Hybrid vehicles. As employers you have a responsibility for anyone handling electricity as part of their job role. The content of this qualification has been designed to give the learners the knowledge and skills required to work safely on Electric/Hybrid vehicles whilst carrying out routine maintenance and repair activities (not voltage components or systems). This may include vehicles that may have or had damage to their high energy/electrical system.
Level 3 - In electric/ hybrid vehicle system repair
2 Day Course (Which includes all content of the level 2)
- working safely on an electric/hybrid vehicle
- using information to carry out the task
- carrying out repairs on high energy electrical systems
- recording information and making suitable recommendations
- electric/hybrid vehicle system components and operation
- hazards surrounding electric/hybrid vehicles
Who is the course for?
This course is suitable for anyone who are involved in the diagnosis and repair of Electric/Hybrid vehicles. This could include service and repair technicians, diagnostic technicians and auto electricians. As a result, learners successfully completing this qualification will acquire significant core knowledge and skills and the ability to remove and replace Electric/Hybrid vehicle high voltage components.